Minutes – 2013

MARCH 22nd 2013

The Meeting was called to order at 10:00AM.

Eight (8) Owners, either in person or by proxy were represented thus establishing a Quorum. Joe Geiselmann made a motion that Peter Grant chair the meeting. Second by Joette Maynard. The motion passed unanimously.

All notices for the Meeting required by Florida Statute and the Association’s Bylaws have been met.

Ron Jarvis made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous AGM as read. Second by Joe Geiselmann. All in favor. The motion passed.

Report of Officers: President, Joette Maynard gave a brief report for the Board of Directors detailing the events of the last year.

Old Business: There was no old business carried over from prior Member’s Meetings.

Management gave an overview of the Association’s finances for the fiscal year to date showing that the Association remains in a solid financial condition and proceeded to answer numerous questions from the Members.

New Business:

• The vote to rollover surplus funds, if any, from the 2012/13 budget to the 2013/14 budget was approved unanimously.
• By Statute there was no requirement for an election of directors this year as there were only as many nominees as there were vacancies.
• The Board Members for 2013/14 therefore shall be: Joette Maynard, Ken Page & Joe Geiselmann, each and all qualified to serve as a Director according to Florida Statute and Association Documents. An organizational meeting to select officers will be held in the next two weeks.
• Management presented a draft budget for the 2013/14 fiscal year that set monthly dues at the current level of $454.00 – Ken page made a motion to approve the budget. Second by Joe Geiselmann. After discussion and questions all were in favor. The budget was approved.
• Other topics discussed – trimming mangroves – pepper trees – lights.

Joette Maynard made a motion to adjourn. Second by Ken Page. There being no further business before the Members, the meeting was adjourned.